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A mashup is a website or application that seamlessly combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience.
Content used in mashups is typically sourced from a third party via a public interface or API, although some in the community believe that only cases where public interfaces are not used count as mashups. Other methods of sourcing content for mashups include Web feeds (e.g. RSS or Atom) and JavaScript.
Many people are experimenting with mashups using eBay, Amazon, Google, Windows Live, and Yahoos APIs.
Document Object Model (DOM) is a description of how an HTML or XML document is represented in a tree structure. DOM provides a structure that facilitates access to the elements of an HTML or XML document by scripting languages with object oriented features (e.g., JavaScript).
Various interfaces were initially implemented by web browsers to manipulate elements in an HTML document through JavaScript. This prompted the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to create a series of specifications to standardize implementations for increased interoperability; thus the W3C Document Object Model[1] (W3C DOM) was born. The W3C specifications are platform and language independent. The previous vendor-specific interfaces were dubbed intermediate DOMs.
A simple example of its use is as follows:
To access an element in the DOM, the programmer could type document.getElementById("elementID")
[2]. This is an improvement over previous Web browser implementations of DOM element access. Internet Explorer, before coming into DOM compliance, required the developer to access the DOM via arrays of similar elements; for example, document.forms[0]
for the first (zeroth) form, or document.images[2]
for the third image on the page[3]. While this was usable, it was more cumbersome than methods defined by the W3C DOM. The Gecko rendering engine, which exposes the DOM interface in Mozilla Firefox and many other browsers, has been W3C‐compliant for quite some time.
The tree-based implementation requires that the entire content of a document be parsed and stored in memory. Hence, DOM is best used for applications where the document elements have to be accessed and manipulated in an unpredictable sequence and repeatedly. If the application involves a sequential or one-time selective read or write per processed document, DOM presents a considerable overhead. The sequential SAX model is advantageous in such a case in terms of speed and memory consumption.
失意體前屈,原本指的是網路上流行的表情符號:_| ̄|○ 它看起來像是一個人跪倒在地上,低著頭,一副「天啊,你為何這樣對我」的動作,雖然簡單卻很傳神。在初期,並沒有人對這個符號起個名字,「失意體前屈」這 個名字也是後來才出現的。據說是某個餐廳的座墊上繡著這五個字,至於在這之前又是誰想到的,目前尚未釐清真相。
這種文字可以寫作Orz、Oro、Or2、On_、Otz、OTL、sto、Jto、○| ̄|_等,但其中以「Orz」最為常用;並有混合型,如表示無可奈何的「囧rz」。「囧」的原意是大明,但現在大都不採用原意,而取其形,轉為表情符號,表示一臉無可奈何樣。